Friday, November 23, 2007

The Art of Illusion

Just a quick post today on something fun...

Julian Beever is an English artist who creates amazingly convincing Trompe-l'œil chalk drawings on paved surfaces such as sidewalks. His works are created using a process called amamorphosis, and create the illusion of three dimensions when viewed from the correct angle. I have received copies of his work via e-mail on more than one occasion-- I suspect that this is another one of those things that makes its way around the internet on a somewhat regular basis. That being said, I really enjoy his work. Sometimes you have to look carefully for a few moments to see what is real and what is part of the art. Typically Beever includes himself as part of the art. Some of his pieces are pretty spectacular-- I think this stuff is really fun to look at.

Dig the skeleton on the dungeon floor.

You could swear that he's actually standing on a diving board.

I received the photo below in an e-mail the other day, and it made me think of Beever's work.

This piece was created in 1918; it took 18,000 U.S. soldiers to make. I thought that this would make an interesting comparison to Beever's work. For more information on this image and how it was made, click here.

For information on the history of Trompe-l'œil, click here.

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