Saturday, November 7, 2009

Assemblage Art

This is a piece that I created more or less as a sample piece for the 3D Art class that I am teaching. I have not done assemblage work like this before; it was kind of fun!

I think that one could read all kinds of things into a piece like this. What is it about in my mind? I'm not saying, but I'd be curious to know what people think, if anyone cares to opine.

(click on images to see at a larger size)

Now, something just for fun...

I made a post a while back about the "Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds Barbie". I looked out my back door a recently and this is what I saw:


Daniel Peci said...

cute babies...

Shenandoah bed and breakfast said...

This is a great mud-craft and an artistic master-piece a great creation for sure very fabulous.